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Nooelec GOES Weather Satellite RTL-SDR Bundle



  • Jim Minter

    Great guide!  One important note: in my location, DishPointer indicated a high LNB skew angle was necessary for both GOES16 and GOES17.  Following the guide verbatim to mount the antenna horizontally, I couldn't get a high quality signal at all.  I re-attached the antenna/boom rotated 45 degrees to the L plate, i.e. putting the 4 longer bolts through the other four holes in the L plate, and immediately got a good signal.

    I recommend updating the guide to instruct people to check the LNB skew angle before assembly, explain if a clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation is required, and factor this in at the point of attaching the L plate to the antenna/boom.

    Thanks for a great product.

  • John

    Great point Jim, we will pass it on and update the guide accordingly :)  I'm glad you got things up and running!

  • Parsoli 69

    I purchased the bundle approx two weeks ago and have been struggling.  Haven't been able to receive a single packet via goestools.  in play are:

    Ubuntu virtual machine loaded with Goestools per linux installation instructions

    Nesdr Smart XTR and Sawbird+ NOAA

    Goesrecv see's the SDR, knows when it's plugged into USB or not.  I have dish LNB direct into Input side of Sawbird, NO POWER to I'm told the XTR handles that (no power light on Sawbird LED either) and then the Sawbird plugs into the SDR.  SDR into USB, etc...

    2022-10-23T14:54:15Z [monitor] gain: 55.68, freq:  -437.3, omega: 2.374, vit(avg): 2198, rs(sum):    0, packets:  0, drops: 33

    I've taken the Sawbird out of the wiring path, no effect.  Should I be looking at my hardware?  Literally every day and night, fine-tuning my antenna angles with zero results.

    I hope someone has some great advice for me and my budding child scientists!


  • John

    Hi Steve!  Your SAWbird should have the light on if it is powered.  There might be something wrong, either with your installation or the LNA itself.  

    The easiest thing to do is open a support ticket with images of your installation so we can get this resolved for you ASAP :)  Thanks!

  • Gordon Shephard

    Just getting started with this and have a question:

    Given a choice between:

    mounting the GOES LNA and SMArtee dongle together in a weather-proof box right at the antenna, with a long usb cable to the computer,


    connecting the dongle at the end of a long coax cable to bring it closer to the computer, 

    is there a preference (as far as signal quality)?  (And, will the dongle have enough heat dissipation if it is enclosed in a sealed box?)

  • John

    Hi, Gordon, great question!


    All cables will have some loss that are proportional to their length.  There is no such loss once analog data is converted to digital data.  So, theoretically, your best bet for signal quality is the former.


    However, the caveat here is that you need to ensure your weatherproof box has sufficient cooling for the SDR, or you run the risk of damaging the device.  The SDR is cooled by convection current, which is negligible inside a sealed environment.  Secondly, you may need to use an active USB cable, as the cable length limit is 5m (15').


    Fortunately, either way you should have sufficient signal reception for decoding GOES without error, so the choice is yours!  Thanks for your support :)

  • Nicholas Klein-Baer

    Is the USB extension cable included in this kit active? I was able to get set up quickly and get good results (vit <400 and no essentially no dropped packets)  by attaching everything directly to the cable coming off the feed-arm. But when I tried using the usb extension to in between the SmarTee and my RasbPi my vit spiked to >1300 and I was barely able to capture any packets. 

  • John

    Hi Nicholas!  It is great to hear you are set up and were already able to get good results.  

    The USB cable in this kit is not active.  Active USB cables should only be needed for USB runs over 5m (15').  

    It sounds as though the USB extension might be defective.  If you are refering to the one in the kit, please contact us using the support tools on this site and open a ticket so we can get you a replacement.  If you are referring to a different USB extension, please try another (passive should be fine if under the specified distance) and contact us should the issues persist.  Thanks!

  • Andrewhamop

    Hello, Andrew here.

     I recently purchased this kit with the intent on replacing my old HRIT setup. The assembly went smoothly and I installed the dish and electronics outside in a waterproof box.

    Unfortunately I'm having some issues with it. I've tried for several hours to align the dish and get usable VITs, but I've had no luck. I can see the accompanying signals from GOES 16, but HRIT is extremely faint, much too faint to get a lock or any packets.

    I have a little more troubleshooting to do, but if the dish antenna or filter turn out to be broken what are my options for replacement? I've tested the SDR and it seems to work fine.


  • Robert Marmorstein

    I'm very excited about this kit, but a bit nervous since I've never set up anything quite this involved.  Any tips for someone who is setting up a dish for the first time?  (Thanks for the earlier note about skew angles!)  

  • John

    @Andrewhamop, we'd need more information to help diagnose the problem and/or provide replacement components, should it be necessary.  Thankfully most issues come down to software or hardware configuration.  Please open a ticket at with full details so we can give a hand

    @Robert Marmorstein  Glad to hear you are excited!  We find the vast majority of the time, any questions work themselves out once you have the kit in hand and follow the instructions in the guide.  It is less complex than it seems at first glance.  That being said, we are always here and happy to answer questions you may have as they come up.  Thanks for your support!


  • Robert Marmorstein

    @John Davidson: Thanks!  Once it stops raining, I'll try to figure out where I can mount this.  I'm hoping I can find a place where the many trees around our property won't get in the way. :-)

  • Andrewhamop

    @John Davidson

    I've submitted a support request but I haven't gotten a reply yet.

  • John

    @Andrewhamop Just looked into it, seems you should be all sorted now :)

    @Robert Marmorstein   Haha best of luck!  Do keep us posted on the results and please open a ticket any time if you have specific questions or concerns


  • Andrewhamop

    Thanks for your help guys!

    I eagerly await my replacement dish feed.

  • Nicholas Klein-Baer

    @John thank you for your prompt reply to my question above, and apologies for the lack of response on my part.

    I'm now using the USB cable provided with the kit without problem. There must have been some confounding variable going on earlier that was causing the vit to spike. No need for a replacement, thanks again for the support

  • John

    @Nicholas No problem at all, I'm just glad to hear you got things up and running!   Cheers :)

  • Amir Akbarzadeh

    I connected the mesh antenna and sawbird LNA and the rtl xtr SDR and using satdump to receive pictures,unfortunately my average SNR wont go further than 2dB.
    I also add one more 20db gain LNA but it wont also go more than 4db in average SNR,
    what could be the problem?

  • John

    Hi @Amir!  We would be happy to help with that, but for customer-specific support we ask that you open a support ticket with full details so that we can provide appropriate assistance.  Thanks!


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